  1. Deep End

From the recording Make It Better

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I needed adventure
Lookin’ for a thrill
When i saw the treasure
I almost lost my will
The water was deep
Way over my head
Didn’t stop to think
It was full speed ahead
No time to choose
What did i have to lose?

I dove into the deep end
I dove into the deep end

Well i should have known better
Should have taken my time
I lacked experience
I wasn’t worth a dime
One should learn to wade
Before one tries to swim
Think things through
Not act on a whim
But i had no clue
What did i do?

I dove into the deep end
I dove into the deep end

I never took lessons
Didn’t know one rule
So i paid the price
Now i’m the fool

– Instrumental –

Well i came up sputterin’
I lost my prize
Lasting disappointment
For my greedy eyes
No I couldn’t wait
I rushed to have my fun
That’s how I came to be
The lonely one
Next time I cry
I’ll remember why

I dove into the deep end
I dove into the deep end